About Us
Founded by Mike Walsh in 2016, we are a local family run independent business.
Specialising in residential investment properties located in the North East of England.
We offer services for Property Lettings, Property Management and Residential Block Management. Additionally, we offer a specialist Property Sourcing service for buy-to-let investment properties.
Message from the company founder
“Over many years, as a private landlord, I had become increasingly disillusioned with the relatively poor level of service on offer from high street agents. I recognised that with the right training and qualifications we could offer a better service ourselves.
We absolutely pride ourselves in offering our clients a trusted, professional and personal service.”
Point of interest: The company name comes from our family pet dog, a cute West Highland Terrier, called Daisy!
Meet The Team

Mike Walsh
Founder & Principal
Mike is responsible for day-to-day management of properties. He is also in overall charge of Residential Block Management as well as Investment Property Sourcing. More than 25 years experience working in corporate business and finance at an executive level. Exam qualified in level 3 Residential Letting & Property Management (2016).

Jennifer Walsh
Administration Manager
Jennifer is responsible for compliance, accounts administration and customer service. As a long term portfolio landlord she understands very well the day to day issues faced by landlords. Over 25 years of experience working in the financial services industry and qualified in level 3 Residential Letting & Property Management (2018).

Andy Walsh
Andy is responsible for day-to-day management of properties including Residential Block Management. A graduate from Northumbria University with a BA (Hons) in Business & Financial Management. Qualified in level 3 Residential Letting & Property Management (2019).

Daisy Walsh
Meet & Greet Consultant
“Really happy with the level of service received from Daisy IPS, they are the best agent I have dealt with”
“I have received excellent service from Daisy IPS. I highly recommend them for everyone”
“I have found Daisy IPS to be extremely understanding and very helpful. Can't recommend them enough”
Get In Touch
Daisy Investment Property Services
"Trusted, professional and personal service"
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Get In Touch
Mike Walsh (Durham & Teesside Region)
07880 550754
Andy Walsh (Tyne & Wear Region)
07523 240460